3645 N Council Rd, Bethany

Comprehensive care for your overall wellness.

You deserve a healthy, beautiful smile - the team at Center for Exceptional Dentistry provides personalized care solutions to help you get the smile you've always wanted.
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Smiling older couple
3645 N Council Rd, Bethany

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3645 N Council Rd
Bethany, OK 73008
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New Patient

Your First Visit
Finding a new dental office can often be a challenge. We are here to help. Learn more about what to expect from your first visit to our dental office.
What to expect
Asma Hussain, DDS
Asma Hussain, DDS
Dr. Hussain grew up in Dallas, Texas, and graduated first in her class. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and traveling. She is a newlywed and loves trying out new Oklahoma...
Clark M. Torbert, DDS
Clark M. Torbert, DDS
Dr. Clark Torbert was born and raised in Bethany, Oklahoma. He has deep ties to his community from his days as a Western Oaks Warrior and a Putnam City West Patriot. First and...

Quality, comfortable care.

Whether you need preventative care or want to correct your smile with cosmetic dentistry services, we are here to help you achieve your smile goals.

Dental Implants

Renew your smile with dental implants.


Get the beautiful, straight smile you've always wanted with Invisalign clear aligners.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether you need implants, Invisalign, or another service, we'll partner with you to create a beautiful smile you'll love.